Alumni Clair Bellens and Wietse Abé both worked at MPC on the movie Jungle Book as software engineers, with Maya, QT and Python as tools of their trade. (Search for their credits here .) They created...

After learning the basics of anatomy and learning the tools in Zbrush, the students were given the task to sculpt a well-known person to likeness. Here is a selection of their first ever try of sculping a...

In the second semester the students learn a new way of modeling. This assignment was their first try into subdivision modeling.which was quite an adjustment in comparison with the low poly modeling they learned in 3D1. There...

For this assignment the students started from a lineart. We expected light studies and a final digital painting like the results you can find below:

Here is a small selection of some of the better compostion sketches from the beginging of the Preproduction 2 course in the first year.

Belgian queen Mathilde visited Quindo , an internet youth radio, which is located at the media lab of Howest Kortrijk. We from Digital Arts and Entertainment presented a 3D statue to the queen. It was sculpted by...

Here are the results of the Game Graphics assignment: Patch of heaven, a low poly scene with a handpainted texture set.

Alumnus Travish Evashkevich had made a useful Photoshop Script to offset multiple layers in Photoshop at the same time, instead of having to do it separately for each layer. His script is called Layer Cake and you can download...

Thomas Van Nuffel made a pistol: The Daybreaker- Sacred pistol , which was selected as an Artstation Pick. Congratulations, Thomas!

Alumna and ex-DAE lecturer Laura Loossens worked on the movie Robinson Crusoe as an animator at nWave Pictures . She animated on the main character (!), the parrot and some other animal characters. In total...

Getting the chance to have a look behind the scenes of the biggest game and VFX companies is not an everyday opportunity. Each year, we take our 2nd and 3rd year students out on a diverse trip to the real world far away from...

Goal of this assignment was to make a small pedestal / shrine in the Unreal Engine 4. Tools that where used: 3dsMax, Zbrush, Substance Painter and Bitmap2Material. Flore Vanackere Thijs De Rijcke...

The focus on this assignment was shading and lighting. Ellen Taelman Brendan McGeary Simon Vandamme Guillaume Ameye Kayla Chauveau Joana Da Costa Sanchez Robin...

For his graduation work Jeroen Bloemen got the assignment to create dynamic materials for in-game characters. The new generation of game graphics calls for a new standard of quality.Thanks to the faster...

For his graduation work Cleon Mocika decided to create a planet generator in Unity. He started with getting accustomed to things like spherical coordinates, Delaunay triangulation (convex hulls) and Voronoi diagrams....

This year, students who followed the course character design had to create 3 realistic characters, based on a chosen lego space theme. The color scheme, visual look and main idea of each lego theme should be...

For his graduation work Bram Nicaise got the assignment to create a tool to easily design vast, interesting and detailed worlds in the unreal engine 4. After looking into the different possibilities Bram decided...

One of the assignments of the course Character Design was to create a design for a card game. Here are some of the results.

For his graduation project Tim Moreels created a game character based upon existing concept by Blizzard, the Trade Prince Gallywix . The goal was to stay true to the concept art and to get the character with his stylized...

For his graduation work Thijs De Rijcke got the assignment to investigate how to create vehicle tracks in the Unreal Engine. The tracks also needed to visually update depending on the type of terrain: wet mud, dry dirt or...

The graduation project of Marie Claeys was a 3D visualization of the human evolution, shown by a series of highly detailed sculpted buste figures that represent certain stages in this evolution which are moprhed into each...

Dries Deryckere created a car that can be procedurally destroyed in unreal engine 4. The doors can be ripped of, the windows can be smashed, and the entire car can be reduced to scrap. Dries started with making...

Below are some results of the exam Game Art Pipeline during semester 3. This year the challenge was: create a real time helmet for current gen high profile platforms based on real reference. Students had to show...

For the 3D1 exam assignment our fist year students had to make a cityscene based on a mediterranean or asian city. The goal was to create everything in 3dsMax with diffuse textures only and having it exported onto Sketchfab...

For the Rigging Course our 2nd year VFX students learned the basics of character rigging and applied that to a given mesh. In their demo’s they prove to understand how to do IK-FK arms with matching (and Low arm...

For the course Scripting our students had to have a look at the role they wished to fulfill in their future career and use that information to find a problem area in their current workflow that could benefit from automation....

For the course Level Decoration and Design, the last year student needed to create an animated start screen in Unreal. All assets where created by themselfs. Here are some of the examples and the research...
For 6 days, 13 people, composed of European audiovisual students and professionals, from animation, digital arts, graphic design, etc., will participate to a creative challenge: to produce together a video mapping performance....

These are some of the results of the latest Game Art Pipeline assignment. The goal was to make a one handed tool using PBR techniques. <update> Budrys Dovydas reworked his tattoo machine at the end of...

Seasons greetings from all the DAE crewmembers. The above image is drawn by first year student Bram Moray.

For the course Level Decoration and Design our students had to create an architectural visualisation in UDK. More and more architects turn to game technology to visualize their buildings so they can walk through...

"Sinterklaas" is coming and there are no naughty childeren! So everybody gets a present. We Belgian people don't believe in Santa Claus, but we celebrate the birthday of " Sinterklaas...

Having learned physically based rendering and normal map fundamentals 2 nd year students following the Game Art Pipeline course had to make their first 3D game object for Unreal engine 4. These are the results:

This academic year, more than 65 senior DAE students will be spending their final semester on an internship in a wide range of 3D, games, VFX and other companies in Belgium or abroad. They’ll be working there as tool...

This week we had the pleasure of having director Jan Bultheel and some of his crew, DAE alumni, visiting us, to talk about his new movie Cafard. Jan Bultheel is a very renowned animator. Founder of one of the top...

Classes are filled again, the new boxes of chalks have been delivered, we can start again! We welcome about 380 new students in the first year, 96 of them are international students, a record! We wish them all...

Alumnus Brian Cox worked as main UI developer on the game Rare Replay. To celebrate its 30th anniversary Rare brings the adventures of his iconic characters together in a collection of 30 games that cover all three decades....

Tim Moreels has some nice new game characters up on his artstation page. His Hogger fan art has also been featured on the Polycount recap page and has been staff picked at Sketchfab . And...

2015 DAE Summer School : August 24th – August 28th Last year we organized our first summer school. International students from Greece, Venezuela, Czech Republic, Turkey, US, Israel & UK flew over...

During the Tool Development module, students learn how to develop tools using the C#/.NET and WPF. Tools are very important during the development process of a game, they automate and accelerate a lot of tasks. The end goal of...

For Graphics Programming 2 students have to present 2 projects: a geometry shader and a game. Geometry Shader Write a paper on a Geometry Shader (creation or destruction of geometry on the GPU) of choice...

During the first year, students learn C++ programming from scratch using the DAE 2D Game Engine. The final 2 months they worked on their game programming assignment. The goal was to take existing gameplay and reverse engineer...

During Game Projects 1, we build on the foundation of Game Prototyping and make games from scratch in teams of 3 to 4 students. We start with an idea on paper, which then is tested in a prototype. Once approved, we proceed to...

For this year final assignment, our first year students had to design an attractive military settlement / camp / settlement based on the following existing backstory: "The war has been over for a long time....

Here are the exam results of the course Game Graphics: Together with Sketchfab a small competition was organised. The first 3 students got a prize ! Sketchfab wrote this cool article about this assignment....

After a short semester of getting acquainted with Zbrush and human anatomy our second year students had to make their first complete character. The subject was free to choose, and most went for fan art from games, movies and...