2015 DAE Summer School : August 24th – August 28th
Last year we organized our first summer school. International students from Greece, Venezuela, Czech Republic, Turkey, US, Israel & UK flew over and had a taste of what our International Bachelor degree Digital Arts and Entertainment has to offer. Workshops varied with leisure and cultural activities ended up in a very pleasant and instructive week. Some of these students recently graduated their first year and others are ready for this coming academic year 2015-2016.
With the feedback we received from them, we are well prepared for the second edition!
Are you an international student and passionate about video games or even better, about making games?
Have you been making mods? Are you learning C#, C++ or Java in your free time?
Have you been playing around with 3D software packages?
Were you born with a pencil in your hands and have you never stopped drawing ever since?
Then join our 5 day summer school!
Date: August 24th – August 28th 2015
Price: 395 euro – accommodation, breakfast and lunch included
Seats: 25 places available – first come first serve
Target group: International students ≥ 16 year or anyone who wants to know more about Digital Arts and Entertainment, game development and interactive 3D: high school students, undergraduate/master students, avid game development hobbyist with a true passion for games, …
Go to the DAE Summer School Website for more information and details!