During Graphics Programming 2 students are learning the basics of 3D rendering with DirectX11 (including Physics & Sounds). They start with a basic component-based framework that contains some fundamental classes and systems (scenegraph, resource loading, ...) and have to extend this framework with new features every week. These features include adding new shaders, skinned animation, character controllers, shadow mapping, particles, deferred rendering, and more.
For the exam, their objective is to create a 3D game based on an existing game so they can focus on production instead of game design. Important note, these games are all created without using a graphical editor environment (= code only) or consumer Game Engine (like Unity or Unreal). Depending on the student his/her interests, the output of these projects can shift from showcasing more complex rendering techniques to delivering a well-polished and enjoyable remake.
API’s used for these projects:
- DirectX11 + Extensions
- Nvidia PhysX
- FMOD Audio
Below you can find some of the results from the class of 2022.