The Level, The Square, The Penta

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Howest Student Services: Stuvo Howest

Howest students can contact Stuvo Howest Student Services for help and guidance on:

  • Financing your studies
  • Housing
  • PC loan
  • Independent living
  • Student jobs
  • Mobility
  • Sports and culture
  • Studentenstad Kortrijk (student city Kortrijk)
  • Mental health and wellbeing

More information can be found on STUVO howest.


You are not on your own! Higher education means change and alteration, which can come easier for one person than for another. We offer support to students who need study counseling through:

  • Monitoring: Each lecturer is a monitor for his or her study area. Each lecturer can provide you with additional explanations of the study material, the assignments,…
  • Ombuds Service: Guarantees your rights as a student in relation to exams, exemptions…and acts as a mediator in conflicts. There is an ombudsperson for each study field in Howest. Please inquire within your department to find the ombudsperson for you course and feel free to contact him/her when necessary.
  • Student administration: Helps you through your administration: enrolment or registration procedure, sickness notes, certificates…
  • Study service: You can get help on study methods and good study planning, exam tips, dealing with fear of failure, concentration difficulties…
  • Mentorship: Each student group is coordinated by a tutor. The tutor pays special attention to the following questions: How is your integration into Howest, into your group? How is DAE going, how are your grades...?


Don’t confuse us with a bureau of study counsel: you can make use of our services free of charge! You will have to deliver the biggest effort, of course, but we will do everything to help you pass!